free content
practices to help you soften & reconnect
below you'll find different free offerings to help you connect with the energy of temple.
these are all free downloadables. you get instant access + a link in your email inbox.
by signing up to receive any of these, you'll be automatically added to the temple newsletter.
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free weekly ritual
in this class you can join me & the temple sisters in a weekly ritual.
these are short gatherings that happen every monday inside the temple school.
in this ritual i guide you to a foundational tantric practice;
to receive & feel reality as a lover ❤️
it’s a slow, sensual practice of feminine energy.
click the button below to get instant access
bi-weekly notes for softness, sensuality & self-love.
the temple's newsletter is here!
every 2 weeks you'll receive an email full of inspiration on all things
women's healing
goddess spirituality
nature embodiment
expect personal thoughts from temple's founder jessica fawn, a knowledge piece & an integration prompt.
subscribe now & receive the upcoming sacred thread in your inbox!